Click here for pic of me. I am posting it today because it captures my present mood. I'm hiding this in the archives cuz I don't want it showing up on the front page. I won't be able to handle the shock of seeing myself in living color when I go to my blog. Feel free to not comment.
I promised some weeks ago I'd put up a picture of myself at some point. I'm a woman of my word.
[Icon credit]
Hi Anna,
I just logged on and haven't gotten past your adorable picture yet to read your sister's letter (which I can't wait to do!!) But I had to comment first that I had NO preconceived idea what you looked like in my mind's eye, was very curious, and did indeed periodically check your profile to see when you might sneak it in there like you intimated . . . to no avail. But alas - we have a face to go with the personality!!! This is very cool because your picture portrays the essence of the neat and feisty, funny person that we know from your writings. Isn't it funny how that works!!!!
You are absolutely adorable!! (Is it OK for one gal to say that about another??) Even if not, I had to comment because your picture so captures the essence of the "you" we have been able to glean from your writing. Thanks for sharing more of yourself with us!!
I had NO preconceived idea what you looked like in my mind's eye...
Waaaaait a minute. You were supposed to think I looked like the babe on my front blog page. Now I find out you peeps weren't falling for my subliminal tactic.
Thank you for your sweet compliments and kind words. Call me adorable all ya want. I won't stop ya.
As for sneaking my pic onto my profile. I found out I couldn't "sneak". The pic shows on the front page! Arrrgghh. I just have no desire for my mug to be that prominent on the blog.
The pic is one of the few of me I can tolerate being the female (read here: vain) that I am. I am terribly critical of pics of me. But in this one, I like it because it does capture my personality. Some people may presume from the rather serious nature of my blog that my personality is only that one dimension. One pic is "worth a thousand words" as they say. I'm a very happy person. And I also happen to be very in love with my husband of over 17 years...who was the object of my joy and mild flirtation captured in the moment.
you are BEAUTIFUL!! honestly, i had wondered what you looked like, since it's always great to put a face with words.
your husband's one lucky guy!!
Did I mention that you have great teeth and a beautiful smile? One of the first things I notice coming from a dental background! Love the short hair and the idea of going au naturale @ 75%. I wish I had the guts to do that....
Some day...........................
I love your hair! I wish I could get away with short-short hair! Very pretty.
Damn, Girl! How cool to see you! Yes....a Champion needs a face. Thank you. It really is a great 'treat'. Spunky, feisty, bold, sassy....AND ABSOLUTELY STUNNING! (but, tell us: Are you short or tall? Only reason I ask is that Sigourney Weaver is tall. Haha.)
Are you short or tall?
I'm short. No Sigourney Weaver statuesque build here. I'm 5'3". I got that from my mother too.
Thank you to all of you for your kind compliments. It is kinda awkward for me, but I do appreciate the nice things ya'll have said about my pic. Obviously, given that this blog has been up for almost two years...I've been reluctant to show my face. I'm shy like that. You all have made me feel better about doing it. Thanks again!
Ok. Firecrackers are small.
Where's the sword?
Ah! Anon above? "The pen is MIGHTIER than the sword." Or in this case, the keyboard and a lifetime of experience dealing with MNs is all here, all free for everyone's perusal. What greater weapon is there than Anna's selflessness, integrity as well as hard won knowledge? Her warrior's pen will always prevail over an MN's faux sword.
And now seven years later I'm sure you're still a head-turner! As well as a purveyor of Truth for the head, heart and soul. Beauty may fade, but MN is forever. Her words will be just as true eons from now as they were on the day she wrote them or on this day.
Truth like beauty is indeed, timeless.
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