Friday, April 18, 2008

Because I'm in that kind of mood today...

JoDee Messina sold an album the day I heard "My Give a Damn's Busted". It so summed up my mood at that time as I was feeling that way about my sister...and mother.

I'm feeling it today. Probably because of today's earlier post. It is a good feeling. A feeling of finally breaking free of something that had weighed me down for so long. The spunkiness of this song and how it celebrates breaking through the bull shit. Yeah. I'm feelin' it.

So you can feel it too...


  1. Thank you.

    Just the thing I needed for a little added fire - and spring in my step - for the day. ;-)

  2. ...Sherbie would've made a better mother than what we had...

  3. Hey-

    Just wanted to let you know I got online and bought this song. ;-)

    Mom called me tonight. Result? Confusion. She was so damn nice. I listened to this song again and it helped. So I bought it.


  4. Ha - you go, girl!! That song says it all and notice how she doesn't feel GUILTY???

    Great, just great. Thanks.

  5. I love this song! Ranks right up there with the Eagles "Get Over It!". Thanks for posting it, I am going to send it to my now husband. We were talking about whether he should try again with is MN kids. This is the way I feel about it. Love it, Love it, Love it. Thanks again.

  6. MADE MY DAY....BIG TIME!!!!!

  7. Hey, peeps! I was mildly surprised and really very delighted to see how many of you liked this song. Anonymous noted the lack of GUILT displayed by the song's lyrics. Exactly! That total rejection of responsibility for the bad acts of someone else is totally conveyed in the just the title of the song, IMO. "My Give a Damn's Busted". One probably wouldn't have to say much more than that to prove they can't be manipulated by misplaced and inappropriate guilt.

    Rock on, ya'll!

  8. Hey - I shared it with some friends with narcissists for exs. They REALLY liked it, too. Yeah. This one is on my MP3 player. Again, thanks for sharing!

  9. Hey! She REALLY seems she knows what narcissism is! She even used the word 'enabler'. I actually thought that she got inspiration from your blog! Unfortunately the dates don't add up. But still, she obviously knows what she’s singing about and really seems have done her homework on narcissism. Great song! Thanx for sharing it! XD
