Saturday, November 03, 2007

Fred Phelps Jr. Butt-End of Joke

I've commented a little on the Rev. Fred Phelps because he is such an overt and obvious narcissist that I don't need to know him personally to slap the narcissist label on him. I did read the rather long expose on him that I posted the link to here. There is plenty of evidence there to support the label.

Fred and his "church" have been slapped with a 10.9 million dollar damages judgment for his protest staged at a Marine's funeral. Article here.

Someone had a bit of fun at Freddie Jr.'s expense. Capitalizing on Fred's homophobia ... Fred gets the moves made on him. I found it mildly entertaining. Maybe you will too.


  1. Ha ha. Looks like old Freddy got "Phelp'd Up" big time. Thanks. This made my day.

    And on a more serious note, thank you for your splendid blog and insights. I'm a semi-constant lurker here, but thought I'd try to muster some courage to just chime in and thank you less silently for your words and help. Please keep it up!

  2. Hey, thanks, anonymous! Thanks for finding your courage. :o)

    I'm glad you enjoyed the humor of Fred gettin' some unwanted action. I was especially amused at how he kind of ran away and let the "women folk" defend him. They are some nasty screws, ain't they?

  3. Hey Anna,

    I can't "see" it (moving house, using old computer). Do you have a link?


  4. The link for the video is:

    Sorry about the tardy response, Cassandra.

  5. Charles Firth is from an Australian comedy troupe called The Chaser - they were also the ones responsible for penetrating the APEC security barricades while dressed as Osama Bin Laden.

    So glad that they targeted this POS. Heh heh heh!

  6. This was great!! And those people couldn't even tell that they'd been made to look like fools. Although I never wanted to know anything ever again about this group,(I'm the one who thought you needed to post a stronger warning about the link to the report on them- it haunted me for days) I'm glad you posted this. It helps to put them in perspective. Honest humor and pertinent ridicule are useful tools against haters. I really think the only way to deal with them is through humor and ridicule because they can't deal with it. They want to engage you on their level which contains no real honest humor at all. The danger of course, is to yourself. Humor and ridicule when used incorrectly (mean-spiritedly) can harm the originator just as much as the target without them realizing it.
    By the way, Anna, I am reading your blog in reverse with all the comments. I frequently follow up on the links as well. I do try to limit myself, because I am in recovery and truly healing. Too much darkness can set me back. But I found in my own writing that the simple act of putting my feelings and pain in words acts the same as cleansing an infected wound so I certainly understand why others do the same. Your insights and clarity have helped me tremendously. I have given your website to my therapist. He was truly interested in it as a tool to give others. I no longer feel guilty about limiting my contact with my Nparentals. I am even able to laugh now at attempts of manipulation. Unfortunately, my daughter and grandchildren live there, so I do still go there. But it is no longer painful- I am not reacting the way I used to. My Nmother and enabling father don't quite know how to react to my lack of response to their button pushing. I keep in mind constantly, though, your comment of the "rolling over and exposing the soft underbelly" tactic. I no longer expect change or hope for positive results. I go there as needed (to pick up my grandchildren or see my daugher), leave as soon as possible, and just don't let them "get me!" Thank you for the freedom. I truly feel I owe you just as much gratitude for my healing as I do my therapist and God!
